Sunday, June 2, 2024

pep talk to the crystal family

as i keep saying, there really is no problem with the estate. if everyone knows all the facts and understands all the facts, all the heirs would be happy and soon enjoy their millions in inheritance. so the key is COMMUNICATION. if not all heirs know and understand all the facts, we will be embroiled in litigation and it will take many more years before the court can give the authority to sell or partition. the good news is it's VERY VERY VERY easy for all the heirs to know all the facts and understand all the facts because all heirs are educated. all heirs know how to read and all heirs know how to perform simple addition and subtractions. humans don't feel and act according to numbers alone. humans need CONTEXT to support the numbers. therefore, it is very important for each heir to do the following:

1) thoroughly read the following context document ian wrote. the document provides context to the accounting numbers

2) if an heir has an issue with an item in the context document, it needs to be discussed and resolved before moving forward.

3) if an heir has no issue with any item, be on RECORD giving OFFICIAL approval to the context document.

4)  review each item in the following accounting report:

5) if an heir has a question or issue with an item, it should be resolved during the meeting.
         * the accountant and ALL lawyers should be given the context document approved by the heirs.
         * the estate accountant and ALL lawyers should be present in the meeting to give legal advice.
         * the heirs should never discuss an accounting issue without the accountant and all lawyers present.
         * this includes atty balili, jane's lawyers, doris' lawyer, and rey's lawyer.
         * if an issue cannot be resolved internally among heirs, the only option is for an heir to file a motion in court     

6) if an heir has no issue with any item, be on RECORD giving OFFICIAL approval to the entire accounting report

the estate should not move to another agenda until all heirs have given their OFFICIAL approval on the accounting report and significant events document.

the accounting report and significant events document is a very powerful tool to foster INSTANT peace and harmony. example, if virgilio sees the accounting report and significant events document, he will be instantly convinced that everything that happened in the estate benefited him immensely and all money is accounted so he would be thanking us

it's a blessing in disguise tita doris hired a lawyer and sent a demand letter because this will motivate all the heirs to finally do the above items. once the above items are done, the estate can finally move forward and the heirs can soon ENOY their MILLIONS in inheritance instead of being embroiled in years of litigation.

table of contents