Sunday, June 2, 2024

pep talk to the crystal family

(a link to this article has been added to the family wiki:


table of contents:

I. letter to heirs
II. estate roadmap
III. IDS (ian derangement syndrome)


I. letter to the heirs

i'm sure some heirs will be opposed or irritated at what i'm writing but that's just due to my negative charisma. time and time again, my decisions that were opposed always turned out to be correct. example, some heirs were very angry at me filing for administratorship but turns out it was our savior. by now, you should realize that if everyone analyzes my suggestions objectively and without emotions, the value of your inheritance will be much BIGGER and you will receive them SOONER. just relax and try hard to prevent yourself from the instinctive reaction of immediately being angry at me.

during the hearing of toledo, i noticed atty balili was very adamant to separate mactan from the estate by executing an existing deed of assignment from lolo and lola to the heirs. he was asking for P2.5m. his reason is that if Ang files an appeal, it can take 10 years before we can sell another property. but if mactan is already in the name of the heirs, we can sell it anytime we want to. i initially was opposed for the following reason:

1) once mactan is assigned to the heirs, tita georgia would lose her signatory powers and it would be almost impossible to sell mactan for the same reason why not everyone signed the extrajudicial. if mactan is with the estate, mactan can be sold with a majority vote during a court hearing and after the judge issues an authority to sell, tita georgia has full signatory powers. if mactan is assigned to the heirs, selling mactan would require the signature of all heirs. and we all know tito virgilio never signed the extrajudicial and he has refused to sign the assignment of the main house to tita georgia and tito mike.

2) there is a chance Ang will accept the P6m settlement offer after they realize their claim has been prescribed. if they don't settle, there's a 90% chance they get nothing. so if Ang decides to settle, which most likely will happen because it's beneficial to them, then the transfer would be useless and it would be like going to our backyard and burning  P2.5m worth of estate money.

3) remember the law is always COMMON SENSE. we can still sell a property even if Ang appeals. we can file an authority to sell and declare hardships (medical, school tuition, etc ...). the judge just needs to ensure there are still properties left for Ang in case he wins the appeal. but with the size of toledo, the judge will most likely give an authority to sell one more property. remember, it was against the law for me to be assigned as special administrator. the law clearly says that a special administrator can only sell clothes and jewelry of the diseased and not a property. but because the judge has simple common sense, he gave me that authority to sell not 1 but 2 properties to save the estate from irepairable damage.

4) we can always do another MOA like in pelaez or mambaling where we get 1/2 downpayment, the buyer can take POSSESSION and START USING THE PROPERTY, and the completion of sale happens when Ang's appeal is finalized and there already is an authority to sell.

5) it would be very easy for anyone such as atty tan to have the new title for our mactan property canceled and the property reverted back to lolo munding or the estate. what we are doing is similar to what gloria ocang did. that's why her titles easily got cancelled. the mactan transfer is weak because the deed of sale was executed more than 20 years after lolo and lola died. we just need to learn from history. tita jane had a tax dec to her house and she was paying the taxes for many years yet it meant nothing because it was found out the proper procedure was not followed. the original tax dec to her house was still under lolo's name and ownership of a property of a deceased can only be transfered via extrajudicial or administratorship.

however, i noticed balili was very insistent so i told tita georgia we should use it as a leverage to speed up the ejection and reconveyance of toledo. i told tita georgia and atty balili that the heirs might be willing to approve the mactan transfer to the heirs if the ejection and reconveyance in toledo is successfully completed because at least they will feel there is another big distribution coming soon. otherwise, the P2.5 million will be too heavy and damaging for the heirs. 

i wasn't really worried because i was under the assumption that the heirs will meet and vote on the P2.5m expense for the transfer. as long as all the heirs are allowed to give their opinion and it's a majority vote decision, there really is no problem. because it's just SIMPLE COMMON SENSE to know that any big expense that has complicated factors and many considerations at play should be discussed and approved by the majority.

when i was administrator, all my big expenses were OBVIOUSLY NECESSARY. the properties i was trying to fix would have no value unless i did the obviously necessary remedies. example, if i did not spend P1.3m to redeem pelaez, we would lose pelaez. if i did not spend the millions for administratorship and we miss the estate tax amnesty deadline, the estate would be destroyed beyond repair. if i did not have toledo surveyed and 4130-prt titled, we can't use it or secure the right of way. if i did not pay P1.3m for tita georgia's bond, the entire estate would be destroyed. besides, i was always posting my plans and actions on the chat group and wiki.

the only complaint with my transparency is i did not inform mambaling was about to be sold. which is ridiculous because everyone was praying and hoping mambaling gets sold. it's like winning the lottery and complaining the person who bought you the lottery ticket did not inform you. you were not placed at a POTENTIALLY disadvantageous position when the lottery ticket was bought so there was no transparancy violation. i also had no idea the buyer would actually give the downpayment. there have been numerous occassions wher the broker would tell me the buyer is ready to give the downpayment but it never happened. to PROTECT the FEELINGS of the heirs from constantly getting HURT and disappointed with false hopes, i POSTED in the chat group that i will only give the good news when we actually have the money. tita georgia herself told me it really made her sad when one of the potential buyers suddenly backed out and stopped replying to her messages. so i was just trying to protect tita georgia's feelings. yet until now she told me she will never forgive me for what i did. if this was a movie, the people in the movie theater would be laughing at this very ridiculous situation. i'm sure tito jojo and tita georgia's kids would even agree with me.

keep in mind atty balili is a good person who is simply doing his best to give his family economic security. it's like a basketball game. you can't blame the opponent for making 3 point shots. it's what they have to do. it's your job to defend and try to prevent them from making a 3 point shot. it's NOTHING PERSONAL. it's just the way the world works. 

however, tita georgia gave the P2 million to balili without discussing it with all the heirs or at least use it as leverage for speeding up the very important toledo ejection and reconveyance. but that's water under the bridge. one of my motto in life is to not be afraid of mistakes as long as you learn from them. the simple fix is for everyone to agree that from now on, any big expense that is not OBVIOUSLY NECESSARY or has many other alternatives and options should be discussed and decided with a majority vote.

we should all be happy and celebrate that the remaining things we have to do have no more difficult obstacles or hurdles. but everyone still needs to be informed in case they have a comment or opinion or there is anything they can do to help. TRANSPARENCY and TEAMWORK is very important to the success of any organization. the following is our to-do list:

1) assignment of main house to tita georgia and tito mike

papa told me he got a text from tita georgia saying tito virgilio has not signed the assignment and he can't be contacted. maybe tito virgilio will sign it someday, but as i said, the law is just common sense and there is always a remedy for any injustice. 

my suggestion is to file a petition in court where all heirs will testify and tito virgilio is given a chance to air his side. if tito virgilio does not appear in the hearing, then i'm sure the judge will grant the petition considering the overwhelming evidence and number of heirs testifying. in our most recent family meeting, papa brought up this issue and all my siblings said they would be willing to testify in court that the main house should belong to tita georgia and tito mike.

atty balili might suggest something else, but my suggestion should be exhausted first. remember my basketball analogy. i even apologized to atty balili that we are making him do things that is contrary to their corporate mission. every business has a mission and the mission of mr. lao's company is to buy distressed properties. if atty balili fixes a problem that they don't own, he is violating the mission of his company. that is why i'm  always thankful for atty balili's generosity although i also feel guilty we are forcing him to be a traitor to his boss mr. lao.

i'm sure lola and lolo would want me to share imporant life lessons to guide the heirs in this CRUEL and "survival of the fittest" world we live in. one of my motto in life is to not be afraid of mistakes as long as you learn from them. as the saying goes, those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. this means we should not be shocked that tito virgilio is hesitant to sign the transfer of the main house because he never signed the extrajudicial. tita georgia even got mad at me for speculating that tito virgilio might not sign the assignment. she told me "dle ta mag speculate". but that would be like saying people in coastal areas should not speculate there will be a tsunami when there is a big earthquake even if a tsunami has already happened many times in the past. 

everyone knows tito virgilio once had lola dida arrested. he even swindled her own daughter sheryll. tito virgilio's condo it manila was about to be confiscated by the bank so sheryll paid out the entire loan. but tito virgilio mortgaged the condo again. sheryll went to my dad asking for help. when my dad tried to talk to tito virgilio, tito virgilio mocked my dad by doing a pikat sign. that's when my dad knew tito virgilio is a very bad person. if you are confused why tito virgilio is very religious, just watch the movie "killers of the flower moon". robert de niro's character in the movie is also super religious and is similar to tito virgilio and is actually quite common in this world. anyway, tito virgilio is still family and i'm sure lolo and lola would want us to love him in anyway we can. 

it's easy to make decisions when it comes to the estate and the crystal family. if lolo and lola is by our side, what would they want us to do? however, that does not mean you should allow tito virgilio to damage your family's inheritance. i'm sure lola and lolo would also not want that. just be vigilant and judge my suggestions OBJECTIVELY instead of emotionally. i know some heirs want tito virgilio to be the good guy because of his very strong charisma and likeable personality and want me to be the bad guy because of my disgusting personality and negative charisma. but if you act on your misguided emotional urges, you won't hurt me. i'm alread set for life and very happy. i have all the money i need. you will only hurt yourself and your family.

history shows that i sacrificed a lot to help lolo and lola's pinangas. i risked millions of my hard earned nest egg just to save the estate. it was never a guarantee that we could sell a property or i could be repaid but i still took the risk and never even charged interest. i could have just placed the money in US treasuries and earned $10k or P500k yet i refused to claim interest in honor of lolo and lola. if i was a normal person, i would have transfered pelaez under my name which would have been perfectly legal. the reason we own the toledo properties was because lolo was the redemptioner when it was auctioned. i also risked my life in numerous ocassions attending hearings and dialogues with the squatters in toledo. yet, after all i have done, tita jane is always hostile and angry towards me while she continues to support tito virgilio who's actions were clearly harmful to the estate. meanwhile, the majority thanks me privately for everything i have done.

what i'm trying to say is to trust me and do my suggestion first regarding the main house because history clearly shows i'm competent and all i want to do is help lolo and lola's pinangas. if you are not convinced about my competence, just realize that many of the estate's problems were not solved despite the amazing academic and professional achievements of papa and many of his siblings. yet i was able to solve the issues.

tita jane's house was about to be auctioned without us or her knowing about it good thing i caught it early enough. because of me, she has a chance to step in and prevent her house from being auctioned. what happened was there was this mysterious tax dec that was being auctioned that nobody in city hall can figure out which house it belongs to. experts from city hall kept going to our compound to resolve the issue but none of them figured it out. there was even a time when there were a dozen expert officials analyzing the houses in our compound but they were unsuccessful. using my God given logic and analyzing capabilities, i was able to figure it out. i put my analysis in writing and the experts in city hall were impressed that i figured it out. turns out the mysterious tax dec was tita jane's house. if i did not catch it early enough, tita jane's house would have been auctioned without her knowing about it.

the issue with tita jane's house is also another very important lesson we should learn. the lesson is that once a property is under the name of a person, it's almost impossible to change it without following the proper law or proper procedure. the examples are making my pep talk very long, but they are very very very important knowledge that the heirs should know about. another exmaple is the mysterious 2.2ha tax dec in toledo. the officials and experts in toledo city hall, DENR and bureau of lands told me it is now part of carmen copper. but after the lessons i learned from the issue of tita jane's house, i knew they were trying to fool us. that's why i never gave up and successfully identified and secured our ownership to a very valuable 2.2ha property INSIDE the carmen copper compound. it can never be taken away from us.

2) ejection of toledo squatters and reconveyance of 10ha 4143.

papa told me he is impressed at atty balili's competence. but papa is a career executive who is particular with timelines. papa asked me to brief him on the top priorities of the estate so of course he immediately asked for the timelines and schedules for the ejection and reconveyance. i told him we will file it maybe next year. but papa said it's too important to delay. he wants it to be filed as soon as possible or within a month. one thing you must all know about my dad is that he is very linient and understanding. if something is difficult, he would understand. but if something is easy and you don't do it, then he will get very angry.

papa requested my siblings to be involved with the estate. i advised against it but he insisted. the reason i advised against it is because my siblings are kinda combative or war freaks. WE ARE NOT EVEN IN TALKING TERMS. just imagine the barangay captain of gudalupe mike cagasan was our tenant and he got into a scuffle with chibong. hapit nag pinuspusay good thing one of the tenants stepped in to separate them. my siblings are just and fair but they lack tolerance, forgiveness and understanding. example, they are super angry at tito virgilio for not signing the assignment of the main house. they also don't tolerate me dating young girls. that's why i don't like my siblings to be involved with the estate because they might not understand or tolerate any mistakes we do. but there really is no problem as long as everything we do is transparent and for the good of everyone. as long as big issues are decided by majority vote, there is no problem. maybe any of you who are in good terms with any of my siblings can talk to them and tell them we have everything under control and there is no reason for them to be involved.

3) right of way to our toledo properties

another example of my competence is i figured out a quick and easy right of way fix to 42ha 4126/4127/4129 and another 27ha we have farming rights to. it will just be a dirt road but it would still increase the value by P100m. the only thing we need to do now is meet with the administrator of the garces lot. her name is theresa garces. we have a common friend named nathaniel sejismundo who promised he will setup the meeting and help convince theresa. we will try to make a P100k offer for her to sign the mutual agreement where we give them access to the national road and in return they give us access to our 4126/4127. this should have been done long time ago but tita georgia is very busy.

another example is the right of way of toledo. mayor jojo is helping us so that the baranggay will build a road from the national road to our 4143/4126/4127 in toledo. it is something that should happen by law based on the circumstances. this would easily increase the value of the property easily by P200 million. but after more than a year, the barangay captain kap chito never acted on our request. luckily, i immediately figured out why and how to get around it. that's because kap chito was using 1ha of our property for his sand and gravel business. if he makes the road, it would be easy for us to sell the property and the new owner might not allow him to use the property. i also learned kap chito's mother is one of the title holders of the 15 titles in the 10ha 4143 that we will need to reconvey. the simple solution is to do an underwriting where we award to his mom one of the 15 4143 titles and guarantee kap chito can use the 1ha for his sand and gravel business after the barangay road is complete. we can also inform kap chito that we will never sell the property because we want to farm it and it ensures none of the heirs will be landless or homeless. once kap chito learns about the 27ha which we will lose the rights to if we sell or even title 4126/4127, he will be very confident we will never sell 4126/4127 and he will be more willing to build the barangay road.

note that because we will never sell or subdivide 4126/4127, tita georgia will be administrator forever. after the sale of another property, the estate should buy a tractor for everyone to use. when lola and lolo sees brian riding the tractor to till the field, that would really put a big smile on lolo and lola's faces in heaven. that is what my friend iker aboitiz is doing in leyte. he is one of the richest person in the philippines. he is a billionaire. he is living the rest of his life farming in leyte. he was about to be appointed the CEO of their company. during the ceremony, he arrived by smashing his car on all the other executive's cars to tell everyone he did not want to be CEO. chrisitian knows about this crazy but true story.

however, we should do a tabular subdivision and do an underwriting on the partitioning because history tells us that socialism or communism never works. kanya kanya gyud ta ug tanom. ang tractor ra ang common. hehehe. i can just buy one of those cute and cheap prefab or container homes on my dad's lot. if the out of towners like tito mike, tita angie, and tita jane want me to till their land and do a 50-50 deal on the harvest, i am willing to.

experts agree that in the near future, farm owners will be the new kings of society, especially with the recent downfall of vertical farming. the population continues to grow rapidly while farmlands continue to shrink and converted to residential housing. meanwhile, we can enjoy the millions of inheritance from the sale of the other properties.

4) subdivide properties

it is now clear to me that the heirs can get a much bigger inheritance and much QUICKER or SOONER if we subdivide the properties. nobody would buy our 3.5ha guba lot for 400/sqm. however, just nearby, similar properties are selling like hotcakes for P3k/sqm. that's because they are only 200sqm. if we don't subdivide the properties, i have a strong feeling that your grandkids will one day be 60 years old and pointing out to their friends in one of their tagay or drinking sessions that they are one of the 100 owners of the lucrative property but it can never be sold because there are now too many owners. i have many classmates who come from landed and rich families who tell me their situation or problems with their estate is the same. they can't sell because there are now too many owners. atty mark tolentino told me our estate is very lucky to have me. atty mark was even a provincial adminstrator but he told me he can never do what i'm doing and he is jealous and he wishes his family have someone like me to solve the problems with their estate in cabdbaran near cagayan (or was that butuan).

i talked to tito jun morales and he told me those indigent folks occupying the lucrative properties in colon that are worth billions are not squatters. they are rightful owners but the reason why they are poor is because they can't sell. so they only use the property for karinderia or small store business. they can't sell because there are 300 other owners and it's impossible to do an administratorship or extrajudicial because no buyer would be willing to risk buying a property where there will be a never ending stream of claimants later on. so the property boils down to first come first serve adhoc rule. lola ica's famly have rights on their ancestral house near colon according to the first come first serve rule but can never sell because there are now thousands of other heirs to the property since 1898. let's not make the same mistake. let's combat our emotional and destructive instincts and subdivide as soon as possible so the properties will be safely in the hands of your family.

also remember that if tita georgia gets sick or cannot be administrator anymore, it would be rex and chiqui who will be next in line to take over the estate. atty balili confirmed this. therefore, it would be good if the other properties would be safely in the hands of your family and children as soon as possible. i can work with tita georgia to fix the problems of the estate. but i don't think i can work with rex and chiqui. we are not even in talking terms for years now. you can even let them read this post and for me i lose nothing. i already told tita georgia this long time ago and she was shocked. 

wealth and economic security is all in front of us. we just need to reach and grab it by doing what's common sense and right. GET RID OF THE EMOTIONAL OBSTACLES THAT HAVE BEEN PLAGUING THIS FAMILY ONCE AND FOR ALL.

in one of my recent posts on the chat group, tita jane reacted and accused me of trying to take control of the estate. the majority of heirs know tita jane's accusations are ridiculous and baseless and it's obvious i'm just trying to help the heirs including her. keep in mind nobody has power or control over the estate. the judge is the ultimate power and the jduge has to interpret and follow the law. that is why when tita jane and tito virgilio filed a motion, nothing happened because common sense dictates that it's obvious everything that happened in the estate so far is obviously necessary and beneficial to all the heirs.

the administrator really has no power. the administrator's responsibility is to administer and carry out court orders. the reason why i did not hesitate to give donations to funerals of our relatives is because if an heir opposes the donation and files a complaint in court, it's obvious the judge will get angry at the heir for complaining about something that is obviously part of the administrator's job. it's just common sense. but if the administrator does something that is not common sense, then that's when the administrator gets in trouble. so when i was administrator, i never felt i had control or power. i always felt i was just an employee carrying out the will of the majority of heirs and executing court orders.

II. estate roadmap

III. IDS (ian derangement syndrome)

6/10/24 chat group post:

my father said that postings in the chat group are admissible in court as evidence. he said i can go to jail if i don't hire a lawyer and respond to jane's allegations towards me in the chat group. the following are the facts i will present in court. the majority of heirs except jane, virgilio, and georgia have told me verbally many times that they agree to the following clear and undisputable facts. i already gathered the evidence from the chat group postings which are admissible in court. i already forwarded the following to our lawyer. my father wants georgia removed as administrator and replaced by rex and tita angie as co-administrators. atty balili confirmed that according to the law, the majority can replace the administrator anytime.

1) georgia did not give the heirs the updates regarding the estate taxes even if i was clamoring for it for weeks. this is clear dereliction of duty by the administrator.

2) georgia did not inform all the heirs regarding the transfer of mactan to some of the heirs. the transfer of mactan to some heirs cost the estate P2.5 million and it had no benefit to the estate. it only made it harder to sell the mactan lot because even if all the other heirs are included by annotating it in the title, not all heirs might sign or agree to a sale. it would have been easier to just file an authority to sell becuase it only requires a majority vote. there were many other alternatives and options to the remedy. we could put a solar farm in our toledo lots to give the estate a stable cash flow while waiting for any court ruling. i have the capital for this. we could do a MOA with the buyer where the buyer gives half while waiting for the authority to sell and the buyer can start using the property, just like pelaez. there was also still a chance that Ang will settle. 

3) georgia has not been giving timely accounting updates to the heirs. i was the one who was diligently keeping an accounting. georgia did not give me the latest expense even if i was requesting it in the chat group. 

4) georgia never reported to the heirs any accounting or expense updates during the entire time she was adminstrator, which is already over 1 year.

5) i was fully transparent when i was special administrator. as soon as mambaling was sold i immediately posted the good news and posted the accounting immediately to inform each heir how much he/she will be receiving. there is hard evidence for this.

6) i have been posting all my plans, activities, and expenses in real time when i was special administrator in the chat group and family wiki. everyone knew i was trying to sell pelaez and mambaling because i was posting everything i was doing in the estate's wiki and chat group. besides, both properties had an authority to sell from the court.

7) i have been updating the heirs by posting in the chat group whenever there was an interested buyer of mambaling who promised they will give the downpayment. but they would suddenly back out, causing the heirs frequent disappintments and false hopes. georgia even told me she was very sad when her buyer of mambaling stopped replying to her messages. i posted in the chat group that to protect the heirs from unecessary disappointments and false hopes, i will just post the good news when the sale is completed. 

8) when the mambaling sale was completed, the majority of heirs rejoiced the good news because we finally had money for the estate taxes. the majority of heirs found it strange and ridiculous that georgia and jane were expressing anger and hurling insults towards me in the chat group. it was as if a person who just won millions in the lottery is angry at the person who bought the ticket.

9) jane, georgia and virgilio opposed the filing for administratorship even after i explained that it is the only way to save the estate. in one of the meetings, virgilio argued that we can just submit a promissory note to the BIR. i went to the BIR to ask if virgilio's statement is true and the BIR officials laughed at me. i informed everyone that the BIR officials laughed at me when i inquired about the promissory note but jane and georgia continue to oppose my filing for administratorship.

10) jane, georgia, and virgilio expressed anger at the pelaez sale even if it helped save the estate and meet the deadline for estate taxes. 

11) jane and georgia were very angry at me after the mambaling sale even if it meant we finally had money for the estate taxes and we can finally beat the amnesty deadline. 

12) everything i spent regarding the estate was obviously necessary to fix and save the estate and it was for the good of everyone. all my expenses and actions were obviously necessary to save the estate.

13) i sacrificed and risked my hard earned retirement savings to save the estate. there was no guarantee i will be paid if i failed to sell a property therefore i took a very big risk. after the pelaez sale, i refused to get paid for my already P3 million plus in expenses because it would lessen the distribution to the heirs. i wanted the heirs to be happy and economically comfortable. so i decided to be repaid only from the mambaling sale even if there was very little chance it would get sold.

14) the majority of heirs agree everything i did was corrrect. the majority of heirs agree i have done nothing wrong since the beginning. the majority of heirs agree that i have done nothing but sacrificed to help everyone including jane and georgia.

15) it was me who recommended georgia as administrator and loaned the estate P1.2 million from my nest egg for the bond because jane requested it and i just wanted jane and georgia to be happy. jane and georgia were angry after i got refunded for my expenses that saved the estate and appointed georgia as administrator.

16) i have no knowledge of the lawaan sale because i was still in the states.

17) i worked very hard to save jane's house which was about to be auctioned. the experts and officials in city hall were not able to figure out the mystery. i went out of my way to investigate and analyze the problem. i then created a report of my analysis and the officials in city hall were impressed at how i solved the mystery. because of my hardwork and sacrifice, jane now has a chance to save her house from being auctioned. while i was working hard to help jane, jane have been berating me, insulting me, and demonizing me in the chat group. the majority of heirs and anyone with common sense would agree that all of jane's allegations towards me are obviously not true and i have done nothing but sacrificed to help everyone including jane.

18) i loaned some heirs money upon their request, including georgia. i didn't bother charging interest on any loan i gave to the heirs and the estate. i did it because i care about the family.

19) i discovered innovative and clever ways to increase the value of the estate such as negotiating the right of way of toledo with the administrator of the garces estate. after analyzing the lots in toledo, i realized the estate can easily increase by P100 milion if we do a mutual MOA with the garces estate where they give us a right of way to our 60ha and we give them a right of way to the national road. i already laid out the step by step details on how to accomplish this. i've been asking georgia many times in the chat group to act on this super important task and i offered to accompany her yet it's been a year and she has not met with theresa garces the adminitrator of the garces estate.

if you forward this posting to anyone with common sense like mayor jojo, i'm sure mayor jojo will advise georgia and jane that everything i just said is correct and true. i'm sure mayor jojo will conclude i have done nothing wrong since the beginning. i'm sure mayor jojo will conclude that i have done super amazing things to help everyone including georgia and jane. if jane will let his kids read the chat group postings since the beginning (note the history of messenger postings cannot be edited), her kids will easily conclude i have done nothing wrong and all i did was make huge sacrifice to help everyone including jane. 

i am willing to reconcile if jane and georgia posts a joint statement agreeing to EVERYTHING in this post and moving forward they will stop saying things and doing things that are obviously incorrect and self destructive. i understand none of us are perfect. humans make mistakes. we all have strengths and weaknesses. some of us don't possess good judgement and that's ok especially if you have a love one you can trust who you can depend on to help you make good judgements. so my advice to jane and georgia is that from now on, anything they do or post in the chat group should be reviewed by mayor jojo. because i already solved the hardest problems of the estate. the remaining issues we need to solve are much easier and don't have difficult obstacles anymore. we only need to do what obviously is right. the problem is georgia was not doing things that an administrator OBVIOUSLY needs to do and she was doing things that an administrator OBVIOUSLY should not do.

it's actually very simple and easy to avoid conflicts. from now on, we just need to agree to the following:

1) all expenses should be approved by the majority

2) all major decisions regarding the estate should be approved by the majority.

3) the heirs hold a meeting twice a month

4) in the meeting, the progress of our goals and projects are presented.

5) there needs to be a deadline on all our milestones and important tasks.

6) there needs to be accountability. the majority will need to decide on the actions that need to be taken when any of the rules are violated and deadlines not met.

my proposals are just common sense and it's what successful organizations do. i don't think any group or organization ever had to vote on the above proposals because they are all common sense and obvious.


6/11/24 chat group post

very good news !!!. atty balili just gave me photo copies of the receipts of the estate taxes and the total is only P3.5m. that means the P4.5m with lao for estate taxes is more than enough which means the heirs will get a much bigger distribution, maybe P2 million which is around P1 million than the expected.  we will wait for georgia to submit her final expenses to the accountant so i can work with the accountant on computing how much each heir should get including the personal loans i gave to some heirs. i will also go through the checklist of properties to make sure all properties have been included in the estate taxes.

turns out the estate taxes were paid on march 8 and april 19. however, during the dinner in nustar on may 11, georgia told me the estate taxes haven't been computed because the bir official i on leave. that's ok. we are just humans. we make mistakes. we just need to ask forgiveness and then the estate needs to establish rules so the mistakes won't happen again. however, i cannot forgive if i'm being accused of stealing P15 million. i will need to respond to the serious allegations or else it might be construed as admission of guilt.

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